We hope that you find this site both easy to navigate and a useful resource. If you are having any problems, or wonder if there's a quicker / faster way of gaining the information you seek, please click on a topic or watch our how to videos below. Looking Around ... at a leisurely pace Jumping around...across Town / Villages in a second Shop Information ...where's what? Shop Web Sites ...visiting shops sites Orientation...where's North again? Street Layout... how real is it? Quick Tips
VIRTUAL TAXI- It's easy to whizz around our Virtual Streets in our Virtual Taxi. Just click the Taxi icon, always on the top of your screen. The select the first letter of the street you wish to be taken to. Then click on the Street name, in some case you can choose which side of the Street you wish to arrive on
To find a specific type of business, use FIND, always on top
Looking aroundIf you are out for a browse to see what's on offer within Huddersfield Town Centre or the Local Villages, simply click any street or area on the map. Then use your mouse or finger. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move along the street. To cross over the street look for a crossing point. At the end of each street there is a link to the next street(s). If you get lost, click on the Map You can also use your BACK BUTTON (top left), to retrace your steps. NEW SHOPS- We strive to bring you news of new shop/business openings very quickly, often before the paint is dry on the signage. We have great market intelligence to help us. This is the only website where all new openings can be seen on one website, together with their established neighbours. Simply click on the Newly Opened icon, always at the top of your screen.
Scroll down, the shops are listed in order of date of
Jumping aroundTo move from one street to another, round the corner or right across town you have 3 choices 1/ Click on the Map which will take you to one side of your chosen street. 2/ Click on the Virtual Taxi look through the ALPHABETICAL list of streets and chose which side of the street you wish to view. 3/ Click on AERIAL, always at the top for various clickable views. You can also use your BACK BUTTON, to retrace your steps. Shop informationEach street level business has a photograph. This may be of the whole business frontage, or the main area and signage. We try and take the most recognisable angle and perspective. In addition all businesses have their name, main business type/service and telephone number displayed. Shop Web SitesIn addition to the basic information provided for all businesses many have their own web-sites. Wherever possible we have given these addresses and you can visit them by clicking with your mouse. To return to Virtual Huddersfield use your BACK BUTTON (top left)or close the window if open.
We provide a guide to many public Events in Huddersfield Town Centre and the Villages. Simply click on the Events icon, always at the top of your screen. Then either click on a month or scroll through all evnts. We leave recurring annual Events in place and update as the information is confirmed. There is a link to the Venue / Location if it is covered by Virtual Huddersfield as well as to more information from the organisers |